Friday, May 3, 2013

Course Reflection

At the start of Ed Tech 2220 my tech skills was about a 5; now I consider myself a 7. I am very comfortable using all of the tools I learned this semester. I will have no issues adapting to the use of technology in the classroom. This class allowed me to improve my tech skills. The most difficult lesson was writing a lesson plan in accordance with Ohio's Common Core Standards; however, I learned a lot. Voki was easy to use and my favorite assignment this semester. I enjoyed being able to use my own voice. This was so much fun for me. I showed many of my family and friends how to create a Voki.

I will have no trouble incorporating my newly learned tech skills into the classroom.There are a lot of free applications available for teaching and learning. The most frequent tool I will use is Prezi. It is user-friendly and can jazz up any presentation. Pinterest will also be a great resource as a teacher. Pinterest is also a great place to see what learning tools other teachers are using in their classrooms and share ideas.

I would like to learn more about writing lesson plans that incorporates the use of technology. In addition, I would also like to learn more about Khan Academy. I plan to use this website.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Lesson Plan Supplemental Materials

I created three supplemental materials to support my lesson plan on the use of figurative language. In accordance with Common Core Standards 6th graders should determine figurative and connotative meanings. In addition, students should understand how language impacts meanings and tone of a story. Students will write a original story that includes figurative language.

I created a set of flash cards which defines types figurative language in Quizlet. I will review the terms with the class. Students will have access to the cards to review independently and play a game using these terms.

I created a worksheet in Google Drive that contains pictures. The students will write one sentence with a literal description and one sentence using figurative language.

I created this game on There are 21 examples of figurative language that the students will identify. I can use this game for a class activity. I would put the class into small groups and use the interactive whiteboard. This game will be fun for the students.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Pinterest In The Classroom

What did you learn from the PINTEREST activity? 
This was my first time using I learned about many free resources for teachers.

How do you believe you will utilize PINTEREST as a teacher? 
As a future teacher Pinterest is a great resource. I will definitely use some of the worksheets and learning games teachers have shared. Also, by reviewing this website I have many ideas for my classroom.  

What are the strengths of PINTEREST?
Pinterest is a good place for teachers to connect with other teachers. They can share resources, activities, and ideas for the classroom.

What are some of the challenges of PINTEREST?
My biggest challenge of this activity was staying on task. I found some great educational websites while working on this project.

What comments, questions, thoughts, opinions, and/or feedback do you have about PINTEREST?
I found some interesting resources that will be helpful as a teacher. Pinterest is user-friendly. I have already shared this website with friends. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Disconnection Experiment

For this assignment I was asked not to use any media for 24 hours. My professor defined media as TV, computers, cell phones, radio, books, and magazines. I answered the following questions the next day.  

What day did you choose to “disconnect”?
I disconnected from all media Saturday, March 16, 2013.

What would you usually be doing on this day? How did your plans change because your “disconnected” status?
My day went as normal for the majority of the day. I cooked, cleaned, washed clothes, shopped for groceries, and studied Spanish. To comply with the guidelines for this experiment, I only used my notebook for studying. Because of the disconnection from media, I had  three hours of free-time on Saturday. I usually have the TV or radio playing in the background while I am washing clothes and clean up. It was quiet. I heard the TV playing in the other room of my house and heard noise from outside which was a bit distracting.

What were your feeling that day?
I felt uninformed and detached from everything outside of my immediate area. For some reason I tried to imagine living during a simpler time, before media and technology. Both media and technology make my life so much easier. I truly cannot imagine life without newspapers, television programs, radio, computers, washing machines & dryers, dish washers and on and on. I have come to depend on such things that offer convenience.      

What media did you miss the most and why?
I missed watching television the most, notably, the local News. I also missed listening to music while driving. It was a little odd to ride in my car without the music playing. When I am at home the TV or radio is usually on all the time, it’s like background noise. It was too quiet.    

What sorts of things did you do instead?
I had three hours of free-time at the end of my day because I did not use any media for a day. I did not realize how much time I spent using media. Instead of using any media I prepared materials for my next sewing project; I cut one pattern and fabric. I also prepared my sewing machine for my next project. I did everything manually so I did not use any technological features the machine offers. For example, I threaded two bobbins and my machine by hand.    

Were you able to completely avoid all media? If you could not, what was the “breaking point”?
I was able to avoid using all media for one day.

Monday, February 25, 2013

QR Code

QR Code generator

This is a QR code to my blog. To create your own click here QR code!


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Assistive Technology For Students With Autism

According to Butcher’s Abnormal Psychology 14th edition Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDDs) consists of several conditions which presents at birth to early childhood that cause deficits in cognitive development. Autism is one of the disorders defined within the PDDs spectrum. Children with Autism have deficits in communication that varies from delay speech development, limited speech, or no verbal ability; they lack social development describe as “aloof”. In addition, children may have repetitive behavior such as hand movements and sensory sensitivity to noise, light, or sounds (546-549). These deficits cause individuals with Autism to struggle to communicate and navigate their environment. Assistive technology offers individuals with Autism the ability to communicate and engage their environment. Apple and Dynavoxtech have excellent devices that allow individuals with Autism to communicate. 

Apple’s Ipad has been adapted to assist individual with Autism to communicate. The Ipad is small, lightweight and compact, which makes it easy to carry around. This link offers parents advice for using the Ipad as a learning tool For example, parents can adjust the setting to block access to the Internet. Applications are being created specifically for the Ipad’s users with Autism. For example, Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) was developed in 1985 now has an application for the Ipad. Another application that was created specifically for individuals with Autism is Autismate Both of the applications are available at the Apple Store with many other education applications; some of the existing educational applications can be modified for individuals with Autism.

Dynavoxtech’s Masetro is a device that allows individual with Autism the ability to communicate. This company offers a range of communication devices that assist individuals with disabilities. The Masetro is small, lightweight, and compact like the Ipad; both devices are easy to carry Masetro is designed for high functioning individuals unlike the Ipad which can be used by low or high functioning individuals with Autism; this due to the variety of applications offered by the Ipad. However, Dynavoxtech offers a variety of devices for all levels of functioning. Both of these companies have devices that help individuals with Autism communicate. 

The number of children with Autism has drastically increased over the last 10 to 20 years. According to the CDC 1 in 88 children is affect by Autism. Technology is needed for these diverse learners to engage their community. The future developments in assistive technologies have no limits with so many innovative companies like Apple and Dynavoxtech. I hope to see a devices that help with their social development.

Butcher, J. N., Mineka, S., & Hooley, J. M. (2010). Abnormal Psychology. (14th Ed.). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Ohio DL Schools

The state of Ohio offers several options for K-12 distance learning (DL). I reviewed five different DL websites and focused on curriculum, technology, and social opportunities for students K-12. I also reviewed the school’s history and staff. Based on the information provided on the websites I would least likely select Ohio Virtual Academy for DL. They offered limited information on their website regarding curriculum and technology. In addition, no information is listed about clubs, activities or field trips for students. I would most likely select Connection Academy for DL. Their website is user-friendly. They offered examples of their lesson plans and software applications for learning. They also listed specific activities and field trips for students. 


Picmonkey Pic Edit is a fun website. This website is user-friendly. They offer lots of free tools for editing photos. This assignment was a little time consuming because of all the editing options I reviewed. Anyone can use; it's very easy.


Sunday, February 10, 2013

My Pipl Search

I was extremely surprised by the information I found about myself on This site had several addresses for me; three of the four they provided were correct. I was shocked! This site also had my Facebook picture, which is supposed to be private. I rarely go on Facebook, or other social media websites. Facebook sends me a welcome back email when I enter my account. The information that I found on compromises my sense of security. I am glad my current address was not listed. Some of my family members were also listed on this website. I have more of an internet presence than I thought. The internet provides a wealth of information and people can use the information anyway they want; that truly scares me. 


Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Online Disinhibition Effect

The Tech Girls worked good as a group on this assignment. We communicated with each other well. This assignment was easy to complete; however, I did not like that we were all editing the document at once. I like how this assignment turned out. 


Thursday, January 31, 2013

Typing Test Results

Words Per Minute Test Words Per Minute Test Your Typing Speed is 33 Words Per Minute. You typed 1 incorrect words. Your gross typing speed is 34 words per minute. Your accuracy is 97%.

Monday, January 28, 2013

My Teaching Presentation

The intended audience for this presentation is my sixth grade special education students and their parents. This would be shown at orientation before the start of the school year. The purpose of this presentation is to introduce myself to my students and their parents. I included a brief description of my educational history, goals, and hobbies. In addition, I introduced my teaching philosophy. My primary focus is literacy using any modification necessary to help students succeed. I completed this assignment in Prezi because the graphic are great. Using Prezi also gave me the opportunity to learn a new software. Prezi offers a variety of tools to make a creative presentation. This software is user friendly. Vernice

Monday, January 21, 2013

Three Great Teacher Blogs

These special education teachers have great blogs! 

This teacher shares current activities the students are working on and links that may be helpful to other teachers.

This teacher offers lots of links for free stuff that can be used in the classroom. She also shares whats going on in her class.

This blog has lots of information on technology that can be used in the classroom. This special education teacher shares his experience using various technology with students.


Saturday, January 19, 2013

Welcome to my Blog

I graduated from Lakeland Community College in May of 2012 with an AA degree. I plan to attend a four year university to pursue a BA in special education this fall. I am currently learning Spanish at CSCC. I am certified by The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) as an Independent Provider in the role of a Personal Care Aide (PCA). I have enjoyed working with these consumers. Working as a PCA has influenced my decision to become an educator.

I am in the process of becoming a special education teacher! The experience I gain in the classroom will be beneficial in understanding the journey of both students and teachers. I plan to work in the classroom for at least five years. My goal is to work in administration where I can influence and implement changes within our current educational system. Everyone deserves the opportunity to learn and grow. I am excited about my future in the education community.

I love swimming and water activities in the summer. I recently developed an interest in photography and theater; I have learned a lot about both recently. I also had my first garden last summer, I grew vegetables and flowers. Everything lived, it was a success! My favorite flower is the moonflower which blooms at night. 
